Start-up growth with $0 cost

You've recently started an online business and not sure how to grow. I will share some of my handy tips to help you find your path.

Growth comes in many forms. Mix and match, do these and get the growth you need. Here are my top three tips to go from Zero to Hero.

1- Make friends

We learn how to make friends from early ages. However, it's often forgotten or ignored while running a business. Hence, making ''friends" although can be a 0 cost move, a brutally underrated tactic to grow.

So what do I mean by suggesting a start-up to make friends?

Well, your start-up must have a meaning. You are solving a problem. Do you know if somebody else is solving a similar problem? Could you find someone who offers services that could compliment yours. You don't need to worry about direct competition. You, also, don't need to worry about becoming a perfect ying-yang.

This is how it works...

If you are offering services that help people with mental health, why not reach out to some fitness expert who helps their clients to improve their health. Could you both work together recommending each other or joining on the same topics to share your opinions?

If you are developing a software that helps consumers with quickly discovering best vegan restaurants to visit wherever they travel, why not partner/make friends with a travel app that helps consumers purchase their tickets?

If anything, can you be nice to somebody else and see if they are happy to help you reach out to more people. Even liking a single content piece you put out there could be a great help. Remember you are always one click away from achieving success.

Make friends. Find a way to work together on a mutual benefit (which usually means both parties don't pay each other) you will be receiving some free advertisement and in exchange you are enhancing the offering of your partner too. This delivers growth from day 1.

2-   Make enemies

Well it's quite contradictory to the first step is not it? Indeed, it is.

That being said, we are here to grow, not to seek an entry ticket to the Heaven.

You don't actually need to break the law or ruin somebody's day while making enemies. Let me explain:

Your marketing has to be hard enough to offend someone, everyday.


When posting on social, share your thoughts in a rather provoking way. This helps start a conversation to reach far and wide.

People who will argue you or put simply are offended by it are not your real customers in most cases. In rare occasions if they were a potential customer, you are investing the allocated sales slot you wasted with them in return for a greater sales potential by reaching more.

Making enemies also feeds anger which in good hands can turn into extreme productivity. A little hack here... Get that energy boost and use it for good causes.

3- Create content

A no brainer of a move but how do you actually create content and how do you make it work?

Creating content on the early days can be daunting. Spending hours for 2 likes and no comments can leave bitter sweet taste in mouth. Most people give up after a month and then blame that this tactic doeesn't work. Yet they see others succeed and always feel disappointed in themselves.

There are actually simple rules to creating content.

  • Focus on the actual problem you are solving
  • Create content helping others solve that problem
  • Cover the solution from every single angle possible day by day
  • Don't stop posting, keep going for a year.

Once done you will see the progress. It might be nothing for a while but then the compounding benefits wil make the move.

The most important thing or perhaps the goal you are focusing on achieving here is not likes, subs, comments, clicks etc. It's the momentum you are trying to gain. Focus on at least one piece of content each day for 365 days.